by Steve Waters // dir. Cressida Brown // Choreography & Movement Direction by Sagovsky


Deep & disused under the Bridewell Theatre stage lies a forgotten Victorian swimming pool - the perfect & poignant landscape to stage Steve Waters’ innovative psychological drama about the lives & fates of three former Olympic swimmers. Amphibians combined intricate choreography based on athletic exercises & the experience of swimming, underwater footage from Pinewood Studios, & music composed to the rhythm of swimming strokes.

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Offstage Theatre at the Bridewell (London) 2011 // Nominated for Best Choreographer, Off West End Theatre Awards 2011

“Beautifully choreographed dance & movement” - British Theatre Guide

“Among the production’s greatest strengths are Richard Williamson’s lighting design… & Kate Sagovsky’s mesmerizing choreography – The Spectator 

“Impressive bouts of stylised physical activity” - The Telegraph

“A crack team of Speedoed commandos, inventively & attentively choreographed by Kate Sagovsky, burst into pulsating sequences… An intoxicating blend of total theatre.” - Culture Wars 

“The 13-strong chorus playing the young swimmers beautifully evoke the way childish energy & larkiness gets ground & moulded into the 25-second lengths & eel-like turns of champions” - The Times

“Some brilliant physical theatre from the 13 strong chorus, choreographed by Movement Director Kate Sagovsky” - The Arbutarian

“Movement director, Kate Sagovsky, has done an excellent job with the group in showing the grind of training and its physical toll” - Leisure Review

“Though the basin is empty of water, the characters …who clamber out from under the stage seem to be emerging from some non-airy element. They scamper down the aisles as if in training; they crouch at the sides of the auditorium or behind the iron balconies, stretching, coiled, tensed for a race; they stand with their arms wishboned into a diving position… It's total immersion.” - The Guardian
